Welcome to the mobile version of our store. Use the Hardware & Fabrics to create your own gear
We no longer maintain a physical showroom; see contact page for our hours and information.Outdoor Wilderness Fabrics is in business for YOU. We strive to carry everything you need to create your own outdoor gear and we work to have the best prices anywhere. Browse through each page and let your creativity run wild! Make your own skiwear, winter wear or fleece clothing. Sew up a tent, tarp or sleeping gear. We carry just the right fabrics and hardware for your packs and bags of all kinds. Don't forget your pets; maybe they need a dog pack or a horse blanket. Your kids would love a new kite or maybe a windsock for yourself! Whatever you want to make, we have the supplies you need.
If you are a returning customer please sign in to your account. If this is your first time ordering on our new website then please create an account. All orders are charged exact freight. Shipping amounts displayed in checkout are always just estimates. Featured Products